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6 Common Causes of Pain During Intercourse

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Sex is something that should always feel good. When sex becomes painful, it is a sign that something goes wrong. If you feel a sharp pain, pressure, soreness, or cramping during sex you’re not entirely alone. About 30 percent of women have the same symptom. But the causes of this issue are different. Just because pain is common, doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Even if you feel awkward talking about this issue, it is still worth describing pain with your doctor.

Keep reading to discover 6 common reasons for pain during sex.

1. Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases are bacteria, viruses, or parasites that spread from one person to another through sexual contact. The signs of sexually transmitted diseases include painful sex, vaginal discharges, sores on the genitals, and fever. Symptoms may develop in a few days after exposure. You need to visit the doctor ASAP if you suspect you have been exposed to an STI or have symptoms.

The treatment of sexually transmitted diseases usually includes prescription antibiotics or antiviral drugs. If your doctor prescribed a treatment, it is important to follow through. Otherwise, the infection can remain and cause serious health complications.

2. Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the female reproductive system. This condition occurs when sexually transmitted bacteria enter your uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes. The symptoms of this condition can range from mild to severe. When symptoms are present they often include abdominal pain, uterine bleeding, vaginal discharge, and pain during intercourse.

If you suspect you have a pelvic inflammatory disease it is crucial to seek emergency medical attention. The untreated pelvic inflammatory disease might cause serious health problems. The most common of them include infertility, chronic pelvic pain, and an abscess.

3. Mental issues

Because emotions are very much involved in sexual activity, mental diseases as well as physical ones can cause pain during sex. Certain psychological problems like anxiety, depression, concerns about your physical appearance, fear of intimacy, or relationship problems can contribute to a low level of arousal. This, in turn, often resulting in discomfort or pain during sex.

If you experience mental issues that interfere with your sexual life you need to contact your primary care physician. The general doctor can refer you to a specialist who specializes in your problem.

4. Vaginal dryness

While vaginal dryness can affect women at any age, more frequently it occurs in older women, particularly after menopause. This happens because during menopause your levels of estrogen decrease dramatically. Estrogen helps keep your vaginal tissues lubricated. Other triggers of vaginal dryness include childbirth, chemotherapy, recent surgery, and taking anti-estrogen medications.

Regardless of the cause vaginal dryness can be extremely uncomfortable. It often results in itching, burning, and painful sex. The treatment usually includes medications to restore estrogen levels and vaginal moisturizers to reduce friction.

5. Interstitial cystitis

Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition that causes increased bladder pressure. The symptoms of interstitial cystitis include pelvic pain(specifically between the vagina and anus), urgent need to urinate, frequent urination, and pain during sexual intercourse. The severity of the symptoms ranges from person to person.

It is important to get this condition treated because it can decrease the quality of your life significantly. The treatment includes physical therapy, oral medications, nerve stimulation, or bladder distention. People with severe interstitial cystitis may require surgery.

6. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus(endometrium) grows outside your uterus. This condition usually affects ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvis lining tissues. This can irritate surrounding tissues causing the development of scar tissue and adhesions. The symptoms of endometriosis include severe pain during periods, pain during sex, discomfort with bowel movements, and excessive vaginal bleeding.

The treatment of endometriosis usually includes pain medications and hormone therapy to ease pain and slow endometrial tissue growth. In severe cases, you may require a hysterectomy. This is a surgical procedure that involves removing the uterus and ovaries. Hysterectomy is considered the most effective type of endometriosis treatment.

If you're one of those women suffering from pain during sex, there's no need to go through this issue silently. Schedule an appointment with your doctor to talk about this problem and get help. The doctor may suggest special tools, medications, or other treatments to ease the pain. You deserve a satisfying sex life.